RT vs Bugzilla

Danny Howard dannyman at toldme.com
Tue Mar 7 12:35:20 PST 2006


> 2. knowing how to use it, meant ppl actually used it and didn't take
> the easier route of
>     a) Water cooler attacks
>     b) Stroll up to his cube attacks :)
> 3. (2) in turn meant less of "Please use the helpdesk system, since I
> can't remember all your requests" etc.

My understanding, and a chief reason why I don't favor Bugzilla, is
that you can open an RT issue by just sending in a mail to support or
helpdesk or whatever.  If all the user needs to know is where to send
an e-mail . . . how does "I know how to fill out all twenty Bugzilla
fields" work any better?


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