A question for the membership

Paul Cubbage pcubbage at opencountry.com
Fri Aug 25 10:38:51 PDT 2006

Hmmm.  A lot more effort than counting hands or paper ballots at a meeting.

It sounds good but how will people who don't attend meetings know for whom to vote?

Open Country has a subscription to surveymonkey if you want to use that.

Alan Horn wrote:
> Hi,
> If you're a member, and you don't make it to a lot of general meetings, 
> would the ability to vote remotely for board elections mean that you are 
> more likely to vote ?
> The idea of remote voting is something we're floating around for this 
> November's board elections. We're not sure yet what form it would take, 
> and I need to assess the need before we dig deeper into this.
> So, please drop me an email and let me know if its something that 
> matters to you ? The more feedback I get the better a decision can be made.
> Cheers,
> Al

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