
Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Thu Oct 13 12:25:44 PDT 2005

Quoting Michael T. Halligan (michael at halligan.org):

> The sunset is an odd comparsion, actually. People in the sunset might
> as well be in sunnyvale, it's definitely a bedroom community... In the
> Sunset, SUVS, Bad  Drivers, and stores who roll up their sidewalks at
> 7pm abound.

Not to mention having all the exterior horizontal surfaces of your cars
rust, because the morning dew has ocean salt in it.

Shortly after the time of my anecdote, when I moved from the Outer
Sunset to San Mateo, my commute to 345 California Street, S.F. went from
45 minutes to 20.  But ragging on the Sunset District, however well
deserved, is missing my point:  The attitude I cited is widespread among
City denizens.  I heard the same all the time from locals when I lived
at the CoffeeNet[1] building in SOMA -- the fabled "-rwxr--r-- Harrison" 
hangout of yore -- when I suggested (e.g.) getting a burger at Seven Mile
House.  It was:  "But that's in Daly City.  Let's go to Mel's on Lombard."

[1] Mirror:  http://linuxmafia.com/coffeenet/  Operation is now
reconstituted in Guadalajara:  http://www.linuxcabal.com/

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