Where to buy UPS batteries?

Marc MERLIN baylisa-local at merlins.org
Thu Nov 11 13:20:57 PST 2004

On Thu, Nov 11, 2004 at 12:04:24PM -0800, David Wolfskill wrote:
> >I need 3 12V "standard size" batteries (the ones that you get by default in
> >most UPSes).
> >Where would you say I can pick them up without being gauged completely?
> >(i.e. paying as much/more than a new UPS)
> >I'm ok with either new or lightly used (as long as the wear is the same on
> >all of them)
> I recently had occasion to replace the 5 batteries in my main UPS, as
> well as the 10 in its expansion cabinet.  After posting here and getting
> some feedback, I bought 15 batteries from Rage Batteries, in San Diego
> (<http://www.ragebatteries.com/>).
Thanks for the link.
I found the one I need:
$12/battery is quite reaonsable.
If I don't find anything locally for instant satisfaction :) I'll order from

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