Imminent Death of BayLISA / July Board Meeting Invitation

Mark C. Langston mark at
Tue Jun 15 13:09:53 PDT 2004

On Tue, Jun 15, 2004 at 01:03:22PM -0700, Deirdre Saoirse Moen wrote:
> One thing might be finding out what people are interested in learning
> about as well as what problems they have (other than simply finding a
> job). A resume workshop (instead of a speaker proper) may also prove
> popular.

Personally, I'd like to see someone hold forth on the various stumbling
blocks and methods of implementing CARP and pfsync on OpenBSD.  But only
because I'm faced with doing it, and external resources seem to be
rather scarce at the present time.

We could have a rousing debate on SPF/Caller-ID/MARID/RMX/etc., but it
may be expensive to hire the security force and ambulances.

Mark C. Langston                                    Sr. Unix SysAdmin
mark at                                       mark at
Systems & Network Admin                                SETI Institute                     

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