[Baylisa] Joyent Followup, also Nov 17 Board Elections and Jason Cook of Fastly

Robert Novak rnovak at indyramp.com
Thu Oct 24 14:28:20 PDT 2013

Hi folks,

tl;dr: Brendan Gregg's new book "Systems Performance: Enterprise and the
Cloud" plus video and slides from October meeting. November is Jason Cook
of Fastly and BayLISA Board Elections/Membership Drive


Thanks to all of you who braved the risk of the BART strike to join us at
BayLISA's October meeting in San Francisco, hosted and presented by Joyent.
And thanks again as always to Joyent for their support of BayLISA.

Video and slides of Brendan Gregg's introduction of his new book Systems
Performance: Enterprise and the Cloud are available. Deirdre and the Joyent
team are working on Bryan Cantrill's presentation, and will post a link on
the Meetup page when it is available.

Brendan's Video:
Brendan's Slides:
linked from Video page)

The book "Systems Performance: Enterprise and the Cloud" is available (or
will be soon) at

Amazon (http://on.rsts11.com/1iggWZv ) - Kindle now, print very soon

Safari Books Online (http://on.rsts11.com/1igh771) - included in your
subscription (if you have one)

Pearson InformIT (http://on.rsts11.com/1igpgIs) - 35% off print or
multi-format ebook with code GREGG0094


Next month:

We have Jason Cook of Fastly lined up for the November 21 meeting. More
details on his topic and talk coming soon to
http://www.meetup.com/BayLISA/events/131371942/ - please RSVP there to help
us plan.

Also next month:

November 21 will be our annual BayLISA Membership Drive and Board of
Directors elections. Four seats are up for election this year, for two year

Anyone can run for the board, paying member or not, and will receive free
membership for the duration of their term.

Any paying member of BayLISA is eligible to vote for the board members,
including members who sign up/renew at the November board meeting (arrive
early if you want to do this).

Annual membership is $45, $15 with a current student ID (sorry, school of
hard knocks doesn't count). Corporate sponsoring memberships are available
as well. More details at www.baylisa.org under "Join" on the left.

Directors are critical to the operation of BayLISA, and by committing to an
hour or two a week (on average) you can help BayLISA grow and benefit even
more in the Bay Area system administration community.

We've had a couple of rough years with missing-in-action board members, and
are looking for a few people to either volunteer to help, or run for the
board, to help even out the support workload and get us rolling smoother.

As always, if you have any questions or comments or suggestions, feel free
to reply directly to me with your feedback.

Robert Novak

BayLISA President

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