[Baylisa] BayLISA in San Francisco this Thursday - Brendan Gregg's "Systems Performance" plus Joyent Manta

Robert Novak rnovak at indyramp.com
Mon Oct 14 15:30:40 PDT 2013

Hi folks,

Don't come to Yahoo this week for the monthly BayLISA meeting... we're on
the road to San Francisco for a repeat visit to Joyent on the Embarcadero.

Details/RSVP at http://www.meetup.com/BayLISA/events/131371712/ (and make
sure to include your real name if you don't use a normal full name on your
Meetup profile)

Last year's Joyent visit was our best-attended meeting in the past three
years (or more), and we look forward to straining their meeting space
again. Please be sure to RSVP if you're coming, and watch for waiting list
openings if the seating limit is reached.

Please note that we're meeting at One Embarcadero Center, one of the big
buildings that gets lit up at night... and not "1 Embarcadero."

More details in case you're curious before you hit meetup...


Joyent is happy to welcome back BayLISA for the launch of Brendan Gregg's
new book, Systems Performance: Enterprise and the Cloud. Operating system
performance analysis and tuning leads to a better end-user experience and
lower costs, especially for cloud computing environments that pay by the
operating system instance. This book covers concepts, strategy, tools and
tuning for Unix operating systems, with a focus on Linux- and Solaris-based
systems. The book covers the latest tools and techniques, including static
and dynamic tracing, to get the most out of your systems.

Brendan will give an overview of the book, the problems and audiences it
addresses, and share insights into the research and practice behind the
methodologies and tools it covers.

We'll also talk about Joyent's latest service offering, Manta, which
combines a distributed object storage service with a massively parallel
compute engine, right on the object server. Joyent Manta Storage Service is
a highly scalable, distributed object storage service with integrated
compute.  Developers can store and process any amount of data at any time
where simple web API call replaces the need for spinning up instances.
 Joyent Manta operates directly on objects with virtually zero data latency.

Space will be limited, so please RSVP... and put your real name in so
security will let you in.


We'll be back in Sunnyvale for the November 21 meeting, featuring Jason
Cook of Fastly along with the annual BayLISA membership drive and board
elections. Four of our six seats are up for re-election this year.

If you're interested in getting involved with the board, feel free to
contact me directly for any questions or answers you may have. Board
membership is a great way to get involved with one of the oldest sysadmin
organizations in the world, help shape the future of our group, and build
the Bay Area sysadmin community. It takes an average of 1-2 hours a week
(including meetings) to be a productive board member, and the more
productive board members we have, the better the organization is for

Robert Novak
BayLISA President

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