Anyone keeping up with AMANDA lately?

David Wolfskill david at
Wed Apr 21 11:02:11 PDT 2010

I'm seeing some trtaffic in sage-members about AMANDA (the backup
scheduler originalyy from UMaryland, IIRC) that indicates that in the
last few years, AMANDA has been receiving a fair amount of love,
attention, new code, and features.

Now, I haven't been a practicing sysadmin for the last couple of years
(and no, I'm not in management -- perish the thought!).

But it occurred to me that if someone might be persuaded to talk about
(some of) those changes, perhaps that might be of interest to the
BayLISA community.

A suitably-motivated volunteer should probably respond to blw at .


David H. Wolfskill				david at
Depriving a girl or boy of an opportunity for education is evil.

See for my public key.
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