(Contra-?)recommendations on consumer-grade NAS?

Holt Sorenson hso at nosneros.net
Sat Oct 25 22:48:05 PDT 2008

On Sat, Oct 25, 2008 at 12:35:27PM -0700, David Mack wrote:
>If you want an appliance type NAS system that does NFS, make sure that
>they advertise that feature.

Many people have very positive things to say about Infrant ReadyNAS (now
NetGear) if you are trying to buy (instead of build):


It supports NFS, AFP, SMB, FTP, HTTP, rsync and some media streaming

It resizes and re-allocates space on the fly as you add disk. If you
by larger disks, it uses RAID to rebuild as you swap each disk and when
you swap the final disk (if you move from say 4x500 to 4x750) it
increase storage after the final swap to N-1 automagically.

Also, there is an ssh module that you can put on the gear so you can
get shell.

One could definitely do worse.

Holt Sorenson
hso at nosneros.net

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