BayLISA February General Meeting

Jennifer Davis sigje at
Mon Feb 12 15:27:48 PST 2007


last chances to RSVP for this meeting.  It is quickly getting full.  I 
highly recommend the speakers as they are both NetApp Engineering, and not 
marketers!  The second talk will especially be good with regards to 
building a good Data Center (how to).  Additionally, 2 ipods will be 
raffled off to attendees!


Date: Feb 15, 2007
Time: 7:00-10pm
Speakers: Architecting a resilient Storage System - Steve Strange
Decreasing Data Center Power utilization - Devinder Singh
Location: Network Appliance HQ Building 1, Founders' Theater
495 E Java Dr Sunnyvale, CA 94089 (Please note the change for this month, this 
is right down the street from the yahoo campus)

Food, drinks (+beer!) will be provided, sponsored by NetApp. Additionally, 
there will be a drawing for a special prize for those attending.

If you have any questions, please let me know at sigje at  This event 
as all BayLISA general meetings is free.  You can pass this invite on to 
friends and coworkers.  Additionally, if you do register and you can't make it, 
please let me know so we can let others attend.

RSVP: or rsvp at

You MUST RSVP to attend.

Thank you!


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