August Special Meeting - TOMORROW - Luke Kanies, Puppet

Jennifer Davis sigje at
Tue Aug 29 15:40:49 PDT 2006

Drinks and Pizza provided by BayLISA!


The August Special BayLISA meeting will be taking place at the Yahoo 
Address: 700 First Avenue Sunnyvale, CA. Building E Room 9


Puppet is a cross-platform open-source configuration management framework 
written in Ruby. Puppet can be used for simple one-off administration 
tasks, but its primary focus is on providing centralized, automated server 
management. Its development is based on years of experience with existing 
tools like Cfengine and provides significant functional enhances over 
previous generations, and it is already in production use around the 
world. This talk will discuss what you can do with Puppet and why you 
should use it, along with some discussion of future plans.

About the Speaker:
Luke Kanies has been a Unix sysadmin for 10 years and has published many 
articles and tutorials, and for the last five years has focused on the 
development of open-source automation tools. He is the founder of 
Reductive Labs, a software company devoted to building the next generation 
of configuration management tools; their flagship product is Puppet, an 
open-source automation framework written in Ruby.

Directions to Yahoo :

Directions to campus are available at

Ignore the last two steps in the directions, instead of turning first 
right into Yahoo, turn first *left* into Bldg E. parking lot. A security 
guard will be available to let you into the Bldg. at the main door.

RSVP: Mail rsvp at

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