Bay Area home internet

Alan Horn ahorn at
Thu Aug 17 15:50:57 PDT 2006

On Thu, 17 Aug 2006, Rick Moen wrote:

> Raw Bandwidth's small premium is worth every penny to my household for
> competence and reliability.  On the rare occasions when
> SBC/whatever-they-are-this-week shoots their customers in the foot,
> Mike Durkin is on them like a remora until it's fixed.

Not really pertinent to home use, but I have found when using resellers in 
a business environment, each reseller adds their own support SLA on top. 
So, for example reseller A may have a time to respond of four hours, at 
which point they determine that its an SBC failure. SBC then have a four 
hour response SLA.

So you end up waiting eight hours before you even have an engineer looking 
at the fault. Small businesses beware.



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