UPS Batteries, etc

Tony Del Porto tony at
Fri Aug 11 16:20:22 PDT 2006

Hey folks,

Back in January of 2005 there was a thread on UPS batteries, but I  
seem to only have part of it. So....

In practice, is it best to replace UPS brand X's batteries with  
official replacement batteries from brand X, or is it reasonably safe  
to purchase generic replacement batteries from a reputable vendor? If  
the latter, any recommendations for said reputable, preferably local,  
vendor? I'm faced with $2k in replacement battery costs if I go with  
official replacements, and I don't plan to keep the UPS system we  
have in place for more than six months. I'd love to upgrade now and  
avoid the replacement issue altogether, but APC doesn't have any  
available units to buy right now.


Tony Del Porto
USENIX Association
2560 9th Street, Suite 215, Berkeley CA 94710
tony at | |

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