waterlogged hard drive recovery

Rich Holland holland at guidancetech.com
Sat Nov 19 07:01:10 PST 2005

Wolfgang S Rupprech wrote:

> Actually, I wouldn't even expect the electronics to have any problems
> unless someone turned them on the unit before it was cleaned.  Rinsing
> a PC boards in water with a detergent (like Formula 409) is the first
> step most real repair places used to do, back when things came with
> schematics and you could really troubleshoot the circuit.  

I've done something similar with a keyboard.  A friend spilled a tall
tumbler of orange juice & bourbon on his keyboard.  We unplugged it, rinsed
under running water, ran it through his dishwasher, and let it sit out for a
couple of days to dry out completely.  It worked fine afterward.  Of course,
a new keyboard is like $50, so we weren't really risking much.  :-)
Rich Holland        (913) 645-1950        SAP Technical Consultant
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