Changing subject body and subject header

John Clear jac at
Tue Aug 9 15:18:27 PDT 2005

On Tue, Aug 09, 2005 at 02:31:28PM -0700, Mark C. Langston wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 09, 2005 at 02:27:52PM -0700, Elizabeth Zwicky wrote:
> > So let's discuss system administration. Under whatever subject
> > lines seem appropriate at the time.
> Okay.  Members, how do you feel about the transparency and openness of
> the elected board for BayLISA?  Can you access the minutes of the board
> meetings?  Can you access the archives of the board mailing list?  Do
> you have any means by which to hold those you electedd accountable for
> their actions?

As a disinterested observer who hasn't been keeping score, all I see is
two guys pissing into the wind trying to prove who has the bigger unit.

I really don't care who has the bigger dick, you both stink of piss.

The board seems to be doing a good job of scheduling speakers for
the monthly meetings.  If there are other issues, the board can
work them out.


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