Robert Hajime Lanning lanning at
Thu Jun 17 23:44:26 PDT 2004

So then, what are you doing here?  I still don't see anything better, now
that you have said your statement.

Are you going to run for office?  Are you going to put in the hours needed
to help get this organization turned around?  No-one is being paid to do

I personaly do not care how BayLISA has gotten into this rut.  (Infact,
everyone is having this shrinking membership problem.  SVLUG, BayLISA,
SAGE...)  I care how we are going to get out of it, and provide some
resource for Bay Area SAs at large.

<quote who="richard childers / kg6hac">
> Ooh, I didn't realize that whiny complaint had gone out to the whole crew.
> Permit me to reply in kind.


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