BayLISA Monthly: 6/17/04: Pass Thru Auto Bot: Technical Support's automated responder, Heather Stern

Strata R Chalup strata at
Wed Jun 16 13:18:03 PDT 2004

       BayLISA Monthly Technical Talk & General Meeting

Please RSVP to rsvp at so that we can get an idea of how many
will be attending.  This event is open to the general public. You do not
need to be a member to attend.
Where: Apple Computer, Town Hall Auditorium
Addr:  Four Infinite Loop, Cupertino, CA
Date:  Thursday, 17 June 2004
Time:  7:30pm - 9:30pm PST

Pass Thru Auto Bot:  Technical Support's automated responder
Heather Stern

First conceived as a gentle form of a receptionist for the email
queue, this autobot became the handiest "new hire" for technical support
teams at more than one large company, and made a friendlier customer
experience at the same time.  "Hiring" your bot takes some planning,
preventing its use as a thirdparty spammer, and some sense of the
corporate image to portray, but the effort is well worth it.
Procmail is found in all modern variants of UNIX.  Last we'll look
at the potential beyond its original uses, for any helpdesk environment.

. . . . .

Heather Stern, Starshine Technical Services

Heather Stern has been an active system administrator for many years,
a professional in the Silicon Valley area since 1995, and is especially
well known in the local Linux community as an expert in laptops, unusual
hardware configurations, and the X window system.  She last spoke for
BayLISA in 1999.

July BayLISA Preview:
Data Through the Firewall: Covert Communications Channels, Mark Langston
BayLISA meets every month on the 3rd Thursday of the month.  A short
period of announcements of general interest to the sysadmin community is
presented, followed by a technical talk.  Anyone may make an
announcement; typical are upcoming presentations, user group meetings,
employment offers, etc.

For further information on BayLISA, check out our web site:

Directions and details about the current meeting and future events:

BayLISA makes video tapes of the meetings available to members.  Tape
library is often available at the general meeting, or for more
information on available videos, please send email to "video at".

If you have suggestions for speakers, or would like to volunteer to
present a talk at one of our meetings, please email the Board and
Working Group at "blw at".  Thanks!

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