Datacenter tools?

Alvin Oga alvin at
Thu Jun 3 12:46:49 PDT 2004

hi ya michael

i'd add more stuff if possible:

- webcam so people can remotely see the messages of whats on the screen
- cart w/ keyboard, good svga monitor

- boot up cdroms, floppies and spare drives
	- add usb bootups too
	( boot cd for each kernel and fs and hardware you have )

	( kernel versions has to match the emergency boot cd's )

- spare 40GB - 100GB disks ( of the ones installed in the systems )

- good set of screw drivers vs "cheap stuff"
- magnetic screw drivers if you're gutsy
- power screw drivers

- lots of spare power cords and cat cables and hubbs
	- always seem to be last one was used last time
	and you forgot to bring more in 

c ya

On Thu, 3 Jun 2004, Michael T. Halligan wrote:

> My ops director has a good-sized chunk of cash in our budget
> marked aside for "Datacenter tools".  I was wondering what people like
> to keep on their datacenter for such things.
> So far, we have : 
> - Plantronics Industrial noise-canceling phono dual-ear headset,
>   with connectors for the 3 different types of cell phones our ops
>   people use, and one portable phone we keep in a cabinet.

... long list 

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