Reliable laptops around $1k?

Deirdre Saoirse Moen deirdre at
Fri Jul 23 18:07:04 PDT 2004

On Fri, 23 Jul 2004, Nick Christenson wrote:

> The second is an Apple iBook.  Don't be so quick to reject this idea!
> It's 5 lbs., runs OS X or you can put Yellow Dog Linux on it, costs
> ~$1100, battery life is pretty good, and seems reasonably sturdy (as
> long as you have a recent model without the bad screens).  So,
> technically, this one matches everything you asked about... .

And if you don't mind BSD too much, you can skip the Linux part entirely.

I love my iBook. :)

_Deirdre  web:    blog:
"Memes are a hoax! Pass it on!"

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