OY: Free Course: Implementing Effective Business Contracts (resend)

Paul M. Moriarty pmm at igtc.com
Wed Oct 15 13:03:43 PDT 2003

Chuck Yerkes writes:
> I also black hole HTML-only mail.  For lists it's a bitch to
> archive, for many readers, thanks to Microsoft mostly, it can
> be dangerous and invasive (while reading the message, go and
> get that link to an image or nasty program - telling the sender
> when you read the message and from where).
> I use mutt to read mail, and w3m can render HTML text - in a pinch.
> I will argue for HTML mail over (say) PDF or (ick ick ick) .doc.
> The fact that I can't easily *bold* this word leaves me stuck
> with the same expressiveness I had on a VT100 in 1982.  That's
> bad.  Embarrasing when this is pointed out by users of proprietary
> mail systems like Exchange or Notes (only 15 servers needed to
> poorly do mail where a machine too slow for XP can serve IMAP
> to 10,000 people - concurrently).

demime is your friend.  http://www.squawk.com/demime.html  I've used it for
mailing lists for years now with excellent results.  As a bonus, it strips
all other atttachments.

- Paul -

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