How is "tip" spelled on Linux-speak?

Chuck Yerkes chuck+baylisa at
Thu Oct 2 17:20:24 PDT 2003

Quoting Jim Hickstein (jxh at
> > I'll have to reboot one of the systems around here on an LNX-BBC to
> > help with that.  But look at modprobe serial and maybe run the
> > minicom -s to create a config that points directly to the serial
> > device node.
> Why not just bring back tip(1)?  It's _so_ much easier to deal with, and it 
> Just Works.
> I am still frustrated that MacOS X doesn't come with this.  ("man remote" 
> was there in 10.1, but they removed it in 10.2.)  Please don't let Linux 
> abandon it, too.

A remarkable number of things compile on OSX.
I wanted a good "whois" and pulled the one from OpenBSD to see
about porting it (it chases references).

Ran "make" (ok, now "bsdmake") and it compiled.
And worked.   (It also compiles on NetBSD with no change).
My port was done :)
Good license, working code.

However, whois is entirely run in the userspace.  I'm not sure how
well tip would do because MacOS is NOT, contrary to marketing, a BSD.

It's a BSD userland.  On Mach.  Just like NeXTStep.

With a proprietary GUI that doesn't support remote Windows.  Just
like NeXTStep.
At least NI can be replaced with LDAP.  (I understood NI, it just
didn't play with the 12 other Unixes I had to deal with and they had
yanked their ypserv binary, the bastards).

Now, can we get non-wrong manpages for this OS?

(who was tempted to fire up Igor - the big black cube - to send this).

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