802.11g and dvd

Alvin Oga alvin at Mail.Linux-Consulting.com
Fri Dec 12 01:03:08 PST 2003

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hi ya

its working ... 

- got a 802.11g [ 54mbps] wireless working on one box...
  next step is to get another setup for the two to play
  and than work out the security issues
	Netgear WG311


- got my 1st dvd (rw) drive was sony dru-510A was $279 and markd
  down to $175 .. w/ $30 mailin rebate  ( at fries )

- btw .. rh-el doesnt like my new intel D865GBFKL mb
	( no X11, no sound )... more problems to play with
	- too many mb to test on

	- maybe free-tivo is next...

- just in case some of you want to play with this stuff too

- its beer time ..

c ya


i've been playing with various new toys/widgets for next year

i've just gotten the distro to recognize the Netgear WG311 pci 
802.11g card  ( have a linksys card too but havent tested it yet )

        - note that its "g" 54Mbps  ... vs the slower 802.11[a/b]

        - i got it working with the athros drivers from madwifi

        - now the trick is to setup another box just like it
        and the two machines should be able to talk to each other
        over 802.11g  ...

        - differences in various wireless stuff


        - not that WEP is NOT secure ... ( its been cracked )

and the other fun stuff... i just bought my first dvd .. w/out having
a player or system setup ...
        - played w/ ogle, xine, mplayer, few others..

        - after a few hours of fiddling ( installing various packages )

        - "dvd player" is now working .. so now i need a new set of
        real speakers and real audio amps

        - dvd stuff that ws installed

                -- howto documentation will get cleaned up later :-)

- time for beer .. earned my nickel for the week ..


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