DSL recommendations?

Chuck Yerkes chuck+baylisa at snew.com
Wed Aug 13 16:23:05 PDT 2003

Quoting Henry Goldwire (henry at vatican.com):
> I haven't seen it in action (install pending), but my boss just picked up
> some 1.5/768K from britsys.com for $50/month.  2 statics, I think, and you
> can have up to 4 more for a buck each or so.
> One thing is for certain, they have super responsive and clued-in-sounding 
> sales staff at least.

You can make them all feel unclued by asking for an IPv6 block and 
"I won't need to tunnel, right?  - you run this natively"

RE: Getting hung up on, that gets a letter to the dept head, the
VP of services and the CEO.
"I've been having a number of problems outlined below.  I called
 your support and spoke with BOFH who hung up on me.  I was being
 neither rude nor abusive and would be delighted to speak to someone
 about this unacceptable behavior and support.
        disgruntled customer."

You have names.  Use them.  I've been on both ends of phone support
and in a variety of situations.  Letters towards the top will get
action quite often.

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