[baylisa] pgp.mit.edu: connection refused

Heather Stern star at starshine.org
Wed Nov 6 14:48:41 PST 2002

On Wed, Nov 06, 2002 at 01:50:04PM -0800, David Alban wrote:
> Greetings!
> I'm getting:
>   $ gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-keys $KEY_ID
>   gpg: requesting key $KEY_ID from pgp.mit.edu ...
>   gpg: can't get key from keyserver: Connection refused
> from two different domains.  Are others running into the same thing?
> I can ping pgp.mit.edu:
> . . .
> from both domains.
> Anyone know why I'm getting connection refused?
> It worked for me a few weeks ago.

Maybe they are doing reverse resolve, didn't update their root hints
lately (that was this week, wasn't it?) and needed to go to the top to
find you, then just *happened* to pick the one whose address has been

Other than that, no idea.

  . | .   Heather Stern                  |         star at starshine.org
--->*<--- Starshine Technical Services - * - consulting at starshine.org
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