Fwd: Ruckus Society Tech Toolbox Action Camp Update and DATES!

Shoshana Bella Billik shoshana at billik.com
Tue Mar 5 22:25:23 PST 2002

        Hi, everyone!  I thought that some of y'all might be interested in going to
this event, especially if you're in between jobs.  

                                                                Take care,

P.S.  Apologies if this message is slightly off-topic -- I'm sure I'll hear about it
from y'all if it is!  ;-)

>Date: Mon, 04 Mar 2002 20:17:23 -0800
>To: techcamp at ruckus.org
>From: Allen Gunn <gunner at ruckus.org>
>Subject: Ruckus Society Tech Toolbox Action Camp Update and DATES!
>Well, the wait is finally over. We have dates and a location for the Ruckus
>Society Tech Toolbox Action Camp!
>If you're getting this email, you have signed up online or at some time
>expressed interest in staying informed about the camp formerly known as
>'eGenius', The Ruckus Society's Tech Toolbox Action Camp.  If this is in
>error, you can remove yourself from this list by following the instructions at 
>the bottom of this message.
>Before coughing up the details, I would like to thank everyone for their
>patience; some of you have been waiting months for date and location
>information, and we've finally got it! Also, if we haven't replied directly to
>your inquiry, we apologize for that as well; we've received hundreds of
>inquiries, and the volume has kept us from delivering as much individual
>attention as we would like. If this email and the updates on the web site don't
>give you the info you need, don't be shy about giving us another shout :^)
>That being said, here's the story:
>WHERE: The camp will be held at Ocean Song in Occidental, California.  It
>is several hours north of San Francisco, up in the hills above the coast and
>very beautiful.  Its rustic charm will serve as a perfect backdrop for topics
>both geeky and activist.
>WHEN AND HOW: After much wonderful input, we've decided to schedule
>the camp as two overlapping gatherings: a tech activist skillshare, leading into
>a tech activist training.  The dates are as follows:
>Monday 6/24/02 - Wednesday, 6/26/02 Tech Activist Skillshare. 
>Approximately 50 tech activists currently applying technology in their
>campaigns/activism will gather to discuss the state of tech activism, share
>techniques, compare notes, and brainstorm.  Attendees will be strongly
>encouraged to stay through the week, continuing discussions while
>participating in and helping with training .
>Thursday 6/27/02 - Tuesday 7/2/03 Tech Activist Training, as described at
>http://www.ruckus.org/techcamp.html, will offer training to approximately 100
>activists seeking to improve their understanding of how and when to apply
>technology in their campaigns as well as who else is applying it.
>The following will be key dates leading up to the camp:
>3/15/02 Tech Toolbox Action Camp application posted to Ruckus web site
>4/12/02 Camp applications due
>5/6/02 Applicants notified of application status
>5/6/02 to 5/2702 Attendee participation confirmations (RSVP's)
>We've also posted a FAQ on the web site 
>(http://www.ruckus.org/techcampfaq.html) to address some of the most
>commonly asked questions about the camp; check it out and let us know what
>we've missed!
>We're still looking for lots of input and help in planning and pulling off the
>camp, and will be mailing out more specific requests for assistance and
>feedback in the near future.  In the meantime, please SPREAD THE WORD
>about the camp FAR and WIDE!
>That's all the big news for now, look for more in the near future,
>PS Please note that replies to this email are routed into an automated folder
>and may not be promptly addressed.

*      	   Shoshana Bella Billik       	*    	shoshana at billik.com     *
* ------------------------------------------- *    	billiksh at batnet.com      *
*    http://www.billik.com/shoshana/ 	*    	sbillik at yahoo.com        *

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