a bit of lovely news about spam in California

Strata Rose Chalup strata at virtual.net
Mon Jan 7 14:20:54 PST 2002

If your stated goal is gumming up the works at USPS by returning 
this mail and getting everyone else to return it also, how is this
*not* a coordinated multi-source DoS attempt against a service
provider with multiple points of presence?  Packets or physical
letters, the concept is the same.


"Derek J. Balling" wrote: 
> A DoS?! how is this any more of a DoS than configuring your router to
> reject packets from $REMOTE_NETWORK instead of simply dropping them?

Strata Rose Chalup [KF6NBZ]                      strata "@" virtual.net
VirtualNet Consulting                            http://www.virtual.net/
 ** Project Management & Architecture for ISP/ASP Systems Integration **

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