My last plea,

David Wolfskill david at
Wed Feb 27 17:38:36 PST 2002

>Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2002 16:22:50 -0800 (PST)
>From: "Roy S. Rapoport" <rsr at>

>Look, you can always be replaced.  It's a fact of life....

Actually, I'll go rather further than that:  there will come a time, if
the employing organization survives sufficiently long, when any given
employee *must* be replaced.

Sometimes such a transition occurs as a result of careful planning.

Sometimes it doesn't.

No given employer-employee relationship lasts forever.  (And this, in
many cases, is something for which to be very thankful, the present
distress notwithstanding.)

david       (links to my resume at
David H. Wolfskill				david at
I believe it would be irresponsible (and thus, unethical) for me to advise,
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