Need Help: Service Level Management Product Beta

Madhu Konety mkonety at
Tue Feb 19 23:18:22 PST 2002

Hi all,

We are a startup building software products to address your application
level service management needs. Our product, the App.Tuate, is for system
administrators and IT operations managers to manage application
infrastructure (web servers, load balancers, application servers) from the
user service perspective.

Yep there are a lot of management tools out there and App.Tuate is different
in that we are not a monitoring and reporting tool but provide dynamic
system resource management. The product provides automation to improve
operational productive, ensure consistent service levels for users and
optimizes infrastructure capacity.

I would like to invite a you all to beta test our product and give us your
valuable feedback. As part of the beta program, we might send in a engineer
for your deployment and request your feedback from time to time. We also
have a choice of exciting thank you gifts, you can choose from, to
appreciate your efforts and support.

The ideal test environment is Apache on Linux with mySQL or postgres and
Java 1.2 or higher.

So please hurry in, reply to this email and sign up for beta testing this
exciting new product.

Madhu Konety

Musambi Corp.

Email: mkonety at

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