My reaction to last night's meeting

William R Ward bill at
Fri Dec 20 15:16:23 PST 2002

I liked the new building.  And I think the "short but cool" format was
a great idea.  I hope we do that more often.  Perhaps one or two
"short but cool" talks could be given as "opening acts" to the main

One nice thing about having several talks on different subjects is
that you're less likely to drive away people who are not interested in
the guest speaker's subject matter.

Given the fact that it's the holiday season and a new location, we had
a surprisingly good turnout.

Some minor suggestions for improvement, both food-related:

1. Put the snacks in a place that's accessible without disturbing the
   main stage, so people can discreetly get a bite during a talk.

2. Have the restaurant picked out in advance.  Personally I would like
   to stay with Frankie Johnnie & Luigi Too, but then I live in
   Mountain View so I'm biased. :-) But really, it's no farther from
   Apple than it was from the old location.  Perhaps the restaurant
   could be different from one month to the next, rotating among
   various local venues, as long as it's decided on in advance.


William R Ward            bill at
        Consistency is not really a human trait.
                         --Maude (from the film "Harold & Maude")

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