Theoretical vs Practical Knowledge [was: Re: Opportunity for Usability Evaluation]

Daniel Curry pineapp at
Wed Dec 12 13:18:56 PST 2001

   I have to respond to these e-mails.

1) As long as I have been on this list. I say this has got
   to be very noisy in the last week.
2) I have interviewed folks with bachelor and master degrees from
   Cal and other schools. My finding is that because they have a
   degree, does not mean that they can take over a major critical
   Especially  "book learn" knowledge.
3) I will take anyone with working knowledge (5 years or more) over
   anyone who just graduated from college. Now that does not mean
   if a person had the working knowledge before entry to college.

 This is my personal opinion.
| INTERNET: pineapp at   (DC436)  | Daniel Curry             |
| DoD # 1450                            | SOHC4 # 136              |
| PGP : AD5A 96DC 7556 A020 B8E7  0E4D 5D5E 9BA5 C83E 8C92         |

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