interesting talk/panel at Stanford

Strata R. Chalup strata at
Sat Oct 28 20:54:43 PDT 2006

Heard about this and thought some BayLISAns would be interested.  Dunno if I'll 
be able to make it.  I believe admission is either free or 'darn cheap'. :-)

] 	From Counterculture to Cyberculture: The Legacy of the Whole Earth Catalog
	A symposium featuring Stewart Brand, Kevin Kelly, Howard Rheingold and Fred Turner
	Thursday, November 9 from 7:00 to 8:30 PM
	Cubberly Auditorium, Stanford University
	During the 1960s, student marchers chanted "Do not fold, spindle or mutilate!" 
as they railed against computers and the Cold War-era military industrial 
complex computers seemed to represent. But within just three decades, computers 
had become emblems of countercultural revolution. This symposium will feature a 
conversation with three people who played key roles in that transformation: 
Stewart Brand, founder of the Whole Earth Catalog, Kevin Kelly, former executive 
editor of Wired magazine and author of Out of Control: The Rise of 
Neo-Biological Civilization and New Rules for the New Economy, and Howard 
Rheingold, author of The Virtual Community: Homesteading on the Electronic 
Frontier and Smart Mobs: The Next Social Revolution. The discussion will be 
moderated by Fred Turner, assistant professor of communication at Stanford and 
author of the new book From Counterculture to Cyberculture: Stewart Brand, the 
Whole Earth Network and the Rise of Digital Utopianism.
	This event is sponsored by the Stanford University Libraries, the Department of 
Communication, and the American Studies Program.
	It will be introduced by Henry Lowood, of the Stanford University Libraries, 
and followed by a public reception.
	Fred Turner
	Assistant Professor
	Director of Undergraduate Studies
	Dept. of Communication
	Building 120
	Stanford University
	Stanford, CA 94305-2050
	O) 650-723-0706
	Fax) 650-725-2472
Strata R Chalup [KF6NBZ]                         strata "@"
Virtual.Net Inc                        
           ** Strategic IT for the Growing Enterprise **

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