Help in selecting router please

Dave Johanson davejohanson at
Mon Oct 2 20:39:09 PDT 2006

Router Analogy

Cisco Routers are like Swiss Army knives.  They have many features,
but do not perform exceptionally well with any of them.

Juniper Routers are like razor sharp hunting knives.  Giving the best
routing performance, with each product maximized for a few features.

In 2006, 23 of the 25 major service providers use Juniper routers
(reliability and performance were the main factors in those selections
for many large companies including the US Government.).

Dave J.

On 10/2/06, Nicole <nicole at> wrote:
> On 03-Oct-06 My Homeland Security "observers" reported that Cat Okita said:
> > On Mon, 2 Oct 2006, Nicole wrote:
> >> The bgp would simply be to balance two connections from the same providor.
> >
> > ... so a private ASN, and two separate circuits...
> >
> >> Sadly not an option for them since we are connected to their main router to
> >> get that level of bandwidth.
> >
> > Will you have both circuits off their main router?
>  Yes. If possible off seperate routers at least, I hope.
> >> So far I have been given a quote for either a cisco 6504-E or a foundry
> >> fastiron super-x. Both at about 25K.
> >
> > I'd probably buy the Cisco - I've seen far too many unique 'features' out
> > of Foundry[0].
>  Thanks for the advice. I have never used any foundry gear. I do seem to
> recall their service policies sucking more than most when I looked at their
> switches.
>  Just to through it out there, the ISP uses Juniper.
>   Nicole
> > cheers!
> > [0] ... and I say this having run into plenty of 'features' from Cisco...
> > ==========================================================================
> > "A cat spends her life conflicted between a deep, passionate and profound
> > desire for fish and an equally deep, passionate and profound desire to
> > avoid getting wet.  This is the defining metaphor of my life right now."
> --
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