Google Ops Presentation and Meeting Formats

Rick Moen rick at
Fri Jan 27 13:08:12 PST 2006

Quoting Bill Ward (bill at

> I agree with those who wish for a little less audience participation
> in the presentations.  It can be very disruptive to the speaker's
> schedule.  Holding questions to the end may be a good way to solve the
> problem.

That's my personal preference, too.  Some speakers actually don't like
that, though, so my favourite approach as meeting coordinator follows:

Before the meeting, ask speaker to pick a policy, any of:

1. Hold questions/comments to the end.
2. Raise hand, wait to be recognised by speaker (optionally with help 
   from meeting coordinator).
3. Blurt it right out, man.

While introducing speaker, mention speaker's preference.  If it's 1 or 2, 
be prepared to enforce it with gentle cluebatting^Wpersuasion.  In any
case, watch the clock and redirect or cut off any kibbitzing that's

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