Bay Area home internet

John "Rowan" Littell rowan at
Tue Aug 15 21:25:02 PDT 2006

So, I'm moving to the Bay Area -- Oakland, to be specific (actually,  
I'm already here, but still getting settled -- hi all).  And I'm  
trying to figure out what options I have for internet service.   
Naturally, don't figure myself for a complete dunce at managing  
simple network equipment (although Comcast would certainly love to  
sock me for it if they can).  I don't have a particular preference  
for cable or DSL, as long as it's reasonably fast (384k is probably  
sufficient, more is great), relatively stable, and won't treat me  
like a complete moron (either at installation time or when I call to  
tell them that their router is spewing bogons).  I will have  
traditional land line phone service and cable TV (unless someone  
really wants to talk me into Dish Networks).  I'll be connecting,  
directly, either an old 486 running ipfw/ipnat or a Linksys workalike  
(and behind that a couple of Mac laptops); providers who insist on  
Win* installations will be chucked in the bit bucket where they belong.

What to people suggest/love/hate?


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