Violation of Security/Privacy...

Ulf Zimmermann ulf at
Wed Oct 12 00:42:47 PDT 2005

On Tue, Oct 11, 2005 at 09:41:47PM -0700, Alan Horn wrote:
> On Wed, 12 Oct 2005, Gwendolynn ferch Elydyr wrote:
> >>You could argue that if all that gets passed is hashes, then its 
> >>harmless. However, what if thoses hashes are of files that are considered 
> >>subversive, or key phrases that are related to terrorist activities, or 
> >>any number of 'lawful intercept' reasons.
> >
> >Actually I don't see why they'd pass anything other than a binary
> >pass/fail.  Either there's a match, against -something-, or there isn't.
> >
> All intel is intel...
> >In a game context, any match would mean you were cheating.
> Who was talking about a game context ? :)
> Cheers,
> Al

My understanding from the posts they have made on their forums [1]
is they are scanning for certain processes, not files. If they find
said certain processes, it alerts their hacking department who will
then observe the account multiple times before doing any temporary
or permantly bannings.


Regards, Ulf.

Ulf Zimmermann, 1525 Pacific Ave., Alameda, CA-94501, #: 510-865-0204
You can find my resume at:

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