mtg followup

Paul M. Moriarty pmm at
Fri Nov 18 07:25:43 PST 2005

Alvin Oga writes:
> e) i disallow laptops .. there is nothing on an individuals
>    laptop that is so important to the company's survival
> 	- and if it is important, it needs to be backed up
> 	along with the regular backups ( at night )
> 	- biggest problems with laptop is it gets 
> 	lost/stolen and/or the disk crashes, and thus
> 	a major corp leak of info
> 	- traveling sales and out-of-office presentations
> 	is where laptops is useful ... 

Many companies have people that travel regularly that are not in sales.  In
my last company, as head of IT, I spent 18 weeks on the road in 2004.  There
are many whole-disk encryption products on the market.  I use the one from

- Paul -

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