Linked-In for BayLISA folks

Strata R. Chalup strata at
Wed Sep 15 20:21:48 PDT 2004

I've been using for a while, and found it helpful. Various 
folks from the SAGE community have discovered it, and people are 
starting to link up.  The way the site is designed, one lists employment 
or contract positions and folks can endorse you.  What I'm finding is 
that I want to endorse folks whose connection is via SAGE or BayLISA, 
rather than through a common employer, and that the site seems to have 
no way to add an endorsement except specific to a position.

So, duh, I created a 'position' for both BayLISA and SAGE and added 
those to my CV on Linked In.  Start date is when I became a member.  I 
list any committees or board positions or volunteer work.  This gives me 
a place to hang an endorsement from that otherwise wouldn't fit.  It 
also gives us a way to look for each other in the search feature, 
especially folks who are list participants and contributors but who 
don't see each other at the meetings very often.

I'm happy to endorse folks I've worked with on BayLISA projects or 
activities if you add a BayLISA position to your profile.  Don't be 
shy-- it's another way I can thank some of you who have put in so much 
effort over the past years!


Strata Rose Chalup [KF6NBZ]                      strata "@"
VirtualNet Consulting                  
  ** Project Management & Architecture for ISP/ASP Systems Integration **

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