Imminent Death of BayLISA / July Board Meeting Invitation

Roy S. Rapoport rsr at
Thu Jun 24 00:22:31 PDT 2004

On Thu, Jun 24, 2004 at 02:14:04AM -0400, Chuck Yerkes wrote:
> Quoting Roy S. Rapoport (rsr at
> > 2. Assume everyone you talk to at Google will be smarter than you (this is
> > probably a safe assumption anyway); 
> You've struck a peeve.  And I am compelled, perhaps inadvisadely,
> to vent (knowing full well that inadvisadely is not a word.  irregardless*):
> I find the view that they are smarter than you common among PhD's
> and academics..  Perhaps it's an implicit "I spent 6 years in
> academia surrounding myself with people who taught me the importance
> of my education and studying with people who study about the field."
> Ok, that said, a best friend is a perpetual PhD candidate at UCB.
> But I tire quickly with those who are so terribly impressed with
> themselves that they must impose the credentials on others.

That's ... not exactly what I meant.  

Some of the smartest people I've known have also been some of the most
humble people I've known (some of them, of course, have been arrogant jerks
:) ).  There's a large difference between "look at me, I'm so smart" and
someone who really is smart enough to really, really challenge you.  A
smart person interviewing you will make the interview about *you*, rather
than them.


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