Imminent Death of BayLISA / July Board Meeting Invitation

Heather Stern star at
Tue Jun 15 13:08:28 PDT 2004

On Tue, Jun 15, 2004 at 12:22:09PM -0700, Deirdre Saoirse Moen wrote:
> On Tue, 15 Jun 2004, Strata R Chalup wrote:
> > Start the discussion now, and join us on JULY FIRST for a discussion
> > with the Board.  Our Board meetings are always open, but this time I
> > hope that we'll pack the halls and GET THINGS DONE.  Bring speaker
> > contact info, suggestions, volunteer to lend a hand, commit to running
> > for Board in the November elections.
> While I do care (a lot), there's also the sad reality that both Rick and I
> will be enroute to Phoenix for Westercon on Thursday, July 1. I suspect
> that Heather may be as well.

Incorrect; I'm very fannish but I usually only go to Westercon in L.A.
or *sometimes* Oregon (because Jim has friends there).  Essentially we
keep our purses tighter in midsummer.

I am working on a nice glitzy slide-kit as I do this;  I'm the backup
speaker and I'm really sorry I couldn't do better than a oneliner
yesterday; allergies have been hell.  I'll take whatever meds are necessary 
to be useful on stage.  *proper* blurbo in a few minutes, seperate msg.

I'm doing what I can *this week* to see if we'll have a proper speaker
to announce at the meeting... and if so I'll have flyers, which I will
encourage our members to take to all the reasonable places, and clone
the heck out of.  Employee lunchroom, etc.  But also, if some would feel
inclined to drop by the geeky bookstores so they'll know about our

-* Heather Stern * President - BayLISA Board * *-

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