"Strong Scripting Skills" - a definition? - sunday

Robert Hajime Lanning lanning at lanning.cc
Tue Jan 27 07:55:08 PST 2004

<quote who="Jordan Johnson">
> Better still... awk '$n ~ /foo/ { print $2 }' # where n is the proper
> field
> I was surprised to not see that in the awkish examples flying by...

  root 24570     1  0   Oct 31 ?        0:10 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -DSSL
defang  7665   212  0 07:03:02 ?        0:14 /bin/perl -w mimedefang.pl -server

This is the problem with choosing a field.  Hint, look at the process start time.
This maybe avoided with options to ps, I haven't looked.  This is "ps -ef" on
Solaris.  The Linux "ps auxw" and "ps -ef" the start time would be "Oct31", so,
it is not an issue there.


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