Wanted an eagle disk drive for my Sun 2/150 server

Jeff Woolsey woolsey at jlw.com
Fri Aug 20 14:11:58 PDT 2004

> I suspect that are a few fellow hardware junkies out there like me with
> a stash of old, might I say antique, hardware that is too good, or too
> important, or too special to throw away,

Or too difficult.  Or too esoteric to recycle, but the Museum isn't
that interested.

> but that you know you will never use again.

I'll use it to show the grandkids that I don't have yet what computing
was like in the Old Days.  My stuff mostly works; stuff at the Museum
is usually static.  Trouble is, computing evolves so quickly that it's
hard to pin down exactly what the old days are.  There were old days
when you first got involved, and nowadays will be old days before too


Jeff Woolsey {woolsey,jlw}@{jlw,jxh}.com first.last at gmail.com
"A toy robot!!!!" -unlucky Japanese scientist
"And Leon's getting laaaarrger!"  -Johnny
"Delete! Delete! OK!" -Dr. Bronner on disk space management
"I didn't get a 'Harrumph!' out of _that_ guy." -Gov Le Petomaine

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