Aug 5 BayLISA Board Meeting: Pho Hoa, Mountain View, 7pm

Strata R. Chalup strata at
Mon Aug 2 12:56:55 PDT 2004

Pho Hoa, 220 Castro St., Mountain View  Tel: (650) 969-5805
Arrive by 7pm; begin meeting 7:30pm

[Note: November is rapidly approaching.  If you are thinking of running 
for the Board, please make a point of coming to a Board meeting sometime 
between now and the November general meeting! Or even if you're not, you 
are still welcome.]

Not usually crowded.  You can get a good cheap dinner there-- chicken,
seafood, or veggie pho, plus a small selection of non-pho items for
those who don't like vietnamese rice-noodle soup with beefy bits.
Strata Rose Chalup [KF6NBZ]                      strata "@"
VirtualNet Consulting                  
  ** Project Management & Architecture for ISP/ASP Systems Integration **

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