A Simple Solution For Wanna-Be Censors

Roy S. Rapoport rsr at inorganic.org
Tue Oct 28 10:43:44 PST 2003

On Mon, Oct 27, 2003 at 07:09:19AM -0800, richard childers / kg6hac wrote:
> It's not that hard to stop "unsolicited" posts to BayLISA.
> It would also filter out all the undesirables ... at least, until they 
> showed up and coughed up some cash, putting the organization's officers 
> in the uncomfortable position of rejecting membership of certain 
> applicants, based upon ... what? Political affiliation? Lack of 
> political affiliation? Eye color? I'm sure something can be devised; 
> A second possible outcome is that everyone will pony up the cash and 
> nothing will change, except that there will be no basis for excluding 
> anyone, as everyone is a paying guest. Boy, wouldn't -that- be annoying.

Richard, I say this almost sincerely:

What are you *ON*? I mean, seriously, the degree to which you seem to 
spend your time and energy fighting the BayLISA Secret Masonic Cabal's
censorship of all our posts suggests that either my worldview is horribly
stunted (and, living in it, I simply cannot accept that as the case without
more -- hell, *ANY* -- proof) or, potentially, you are just on some really
great drugs.

So what are you on, is it legal, and can I get me some of that?


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