HDDs for Netfinity 5500

jhoney at flash.net jhoney at flash.net
Fri Mar 21 16:43:05 PST 2003

afactor wrote:

>Does anybody know a good place to get discontinued hard drives.
>Specifically I need to get some hard drives for an IBM Netfinity 550 midrange server.
>IBM has discontinued virtually all the parts for this old workhorse and they pointed me to their affiliate called Boulder Parts.
>Boulder parts gave me the following prices (and told me they are about out of these parts):
>4Gb - $450
>9Gb - $600
>18Gb - $1000
>Can anyone suggest an alternative?
>afactor at afactor.com
There's a big outfit outside of Houston that specializes in discontinued 
and closeout drives.  I'll try to remember their name over the weekend - 
maybe a beer or two will loosen the name...  I'll probably figure it out 
by Sunday and post it.

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