Local source for rack-mount screws?

Jim Trocki trockij at transmeta.com
Thu Jul 24 11:43:30 PDT 2003

On Thu, 24 Jul 2003, Jim Hickstein wrote:

> > * Graybar (815 American, San Carlos) -- couldn't find them; phone
> >   disconncted, no longer in service.
> Try the San Jose store. They were still open last I checked, after the San
> Carlos one closed.  Also I think they're in Oakland, if that's better.
> I know the screws you mean.  I think they tend to come with Chatsworth
> racks.

yes. i always order them from graybar. it's best to call them first
because the will-call office in san jose doesn't always have the stock
you might need. they'll gladly ship you the stuff, though.

last purchase i made was $8.06 for a bag of 50 screws (chatsworth
part #40605-001).  these fit in the standard aluminum two-post 19"
racks from chatsworth.

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