Leroy, Oracle, CIA & the Jewish Defense League

richard childers / kg6hac fscked at pacbell.net
Mon Jul 14 07:12:13 PDT 2003

Unlike Oracle's officers, I am not under oath ... I don't have a duty to 
my stockholders ... and I have not lied.

Everything I have said is factually true, to the best of my knowledge.

If you can identify a false statement (you've obviously put a lot of 
effort into looking for one, for reasons which are as yet unclear), 
please point it out.

If I don't seem to be as frank as you'd like, notice that everything I 
learned about not being straightforward and to the point was learned 
from Oracle ... and its friends.

Are you a friend of Oracle, Ray? Do you, or did you, own any stock in 
Oracle? Do you have any family, friends, or relations working there, now 
or in the past?

As long as we're engaging in full disclosure, don't you think that 
should be applied to everyone?

-- richard

Roy S. Rapoport wrote:

>Oh, this is *GOOD*.  I really like this.  I think most of you will too.
>Lets see if we can follow this together.
>A) Richard Childers, fscked at pacbell.net, sent a letter to baylisa
>yesterday.  The first sentence of this letter is "There's an interesting
>article making the rounds, on Craigslist, suggesting that the Oracle
>Corporation (if I interpret it correctly)..." Basically a "hey, I came
>across this and thought people might find it interesting."
>B) The article pointed to by Mr. Childers is at
>http://www.craigslist.org/sfc/for/13243191.html.  The (anonymous, email
>address at anon-13243191 at craigslist.org) author says, among other claims, 
>"A few years before, one rainy evening, after listening to one program too
>many of conspiracy theory from nearby radio station KFJC, I had created the
>USENET newsgroup alt.conspiracy."  The author also makes mention of working
>for Oracle.
>C) http://groups.google.com/groups?q=%22richard+childers%22+alt.conspiracy&hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=utf-8&selm=2094%40avsd.UUCP&rnum=2
>(or http://tinyurl.com/guvr , if that's easier for you) is an article dated
>September 26, 1989.  The author is one Richard Childers,
>childers at avsd.UUCP.  In it, he writes "I newgroup'd alt.conspiracy a year
>or so ago, thank you."
>D) http://groups.google.com/groups?q=%22richard+childers%22+alt.conspiracy+newgroup&hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=utf-8&selm=1992Oct27.001021.23821%40oracle.us.oracle.com&rnum=1 
>(or http://tinyurl.com/guvv) is an article dated October 26, 1992.  The
>author is one Richard Childers, RCHILDER at US.ORACLE.COM, where he writes
>"alt.conspiracy was newgroup'd about six miles away from Foothill College...
>I newgroup'd it."
>So, to summarize:
>Richard Childers tells us that there's an interesting article we should
>check out; article was written by the creator of alt.conspiracy.
>alt.conspiracy was created by Richard Childers, who, as we see in (D) (and
>if you search for 'rchilder at us.oracle.com' on google), worked for Oracle.
>Hey Richard? Remember what I said about trusting you about as much as I
>trust anyone else on the list who's not posted much? 
>That's not the case anymore.

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