unix laptop question: closing the lid

Sean Berry berry at housebsd.org
Thu Jan 30 16:43:55 PST 2003

> I used to have a Vaio 14" laptop (terrible support for anything, tho
> FreeBSD was stable - tho without support for the modem, firewire, or
> sound and X ran only with a native Linux driver at the time).
> One week it decided that it would no longer sleep on close. I learned
> this with a very warm laptop bag and near dead batteries as I got onto a
> plane.  Rather than really chasing down the problem, I turned it into a
> Mac and my life was better.
> But the Vaio in this state seemed warm and I wondered if the design
> presumed some airflow from the vents and keyboard above.

Several of the machines I've owned seem to have this assumption.

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