RedHat Kickstart question

Heather Stern star at
Thu Apr 17 14:06:22 PDT 2003

On Wed, Apr 16, 2003 at 04:34:53PM -0700, Ulf Zimmermann wrote:
> Hello everyone.
> I got a question someone probably has an answer for on this list.
> Working on automating system installs. Everything on these machines
> is the same, with the exception of 2 things. IP address and hostname.
> Machines get static IP assigned via DHCP. Can I find out, like in the
> %pre section or so, what the IP is, so that I can use it in this line:
> #Use static networking
> network --bootproto static  --ip  --netmask  --gatewa...
> And the other section is in %post, where based on the hostname I 
> would like to copy a different set of files over, simular like this:
> if [-f /mnt/tmpmnt/ssh/$HOST/ssh_host_dsa_key]; then
>   /bin/cp /mnt/tmpmnt/ssh/$HOST/* /etc/ssh
> fi
> Any tips ?

Re: IP address.
Ask the proc filesystem?  I think it's mounted by then.

Re: %post section
JimD normally had it do a retrieval from the dhcp server itself (you can
use the first resolver too;  either way, these are something you get
handed and therefore can parse back out of the running config quickly)
which allowed him to have it honor custom URLs with extra bits.  The
glorious thing is that it moves the sysadmin controls back to the server
where it belongs instead of floating around on a scraggable floppy and
falling out of date.

You could also set the thing up to serve kickstart via PXE - JimD was
demonstrating that at December's BayLISA.

We'll be at BayLISA tonight, maybe we can chat more there.

  . | .   Heather Stern                  |         star at
--->*<--- Starshine Technical Services - * - consulting at
  ' | `   Sysadmin Support and Training  |        (800) 938-4078

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