(forw) [linux-elitists] SpamAssassin at SMTP time with exim

Robert Hajime Lanning lanning at lanning.cc
Tue May 7 13:37:14 PDT 2002

And also with sendmail you now have a whole API for doing anything you want.
(milter)  The filter app doesn't even need to be running on the same platform.

Say, sendmail on linux and TrendMicro on solaris.

---- As written by Rob Windsor:
> But were he to use sendmail, it has the option to reject the mail based on 
> it's bogus envelope.  :>
> *nudge* *nudge* *wink* *wink*
> I think all MTAs now have the ability to filter based on headers and 
> content, it's merely a matter of <a> spending the time writing the 
> configuration, and <b> allowing your mailserver to load up now that it is 
> actually digging through the content.
> Rob++


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