a bit of lovely news about spam in California

Baltrunas, Carl (CRTUSW) Carl.Baltrunas at concert.com
Mon Jan 7 07:21:45 PST 2002

[MIME/HTML stuff elided by approver -- dhw]

> I don't seriously conceive of any USER actually using USPS e-mail 
> addressing. This is one of those ideas that you'll probably see 
> decline now that the dot-com boom is over.  :-)   I think it was USPS 
> going "hey, thar's gold in them thar hills!"

Yes... any USER wouldn't think of doing this, but any member of the
direct marketing association (junk mailers :-) would.  And yes, the
USPS would be obligated to maintain an OPT-OUT list, and YES !!!!!
the spammers would have to PAY to use this service.  So, to stop the
spammers, all we would need to do is make this service COST, and
force all spammers to use this service by LAW. ;-)


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